Short Term Trial assessing Oat COM’s ability to reduce greasiness and impart luxuriant silky feel
- 22 subjects
- Half-face double blind trial with night cream
- Tested over a period of 5 minutes
- Comparing a placebo cream (without Oat COM) and test cream with 3% Oat COM inclusion
- Both creams were highly moisturising
The key observation was the clear perception by the subjects that the test cream was less greasy during application, and this remained noticeable even after full absorption into the skin. This observation provided confirmation that Oat COM, displays increased ability to bind oil compared to traditional colloidal oatmeal. In applications this ability improves the textural qualities of oil based creams which account for the results obtained as the test cream absorbed faster and felt less greasy on the skin.
In terms of moisturisation results, the difference was minimal which was surprising since the base cream base was designed to be highly moisturising and it was thought that the inclusion of Oat COM powder would decrease the perceived moisturisation, however the opposite effect was observed. This positive effect was most likely due to the high beta-glucan level of the oat variety used in Oat COM.